
From the very beginning, Kingdom Hearts Inc. has been about encouraging women of all denominations and cultural backgrounds to come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and to equip believing women to reach their full potential in Christ.

Kingdom Hearts Inc., was originally founded in 2002 by a group of women seeking to help meet the spiritual needs of women on Long Island and the surrounding areas. In 2003, these women launched the first conference, establishing a precedent of bringing in a well-know, world-traveled speaker. The goal was, and still is, to support the local church by providing a one day event that allows women to step away from the daily demands of life and come together to experience God’s ministering presence and the enjoyment of fellowship with one another.

In 2009, a new group of women seeking to participate in God’s kingdom work in this region took over the board, encourage by the previous board’s passion to keep this vital ministry alive and to spread the message of Christ Jesus and His love for the daughters of His Kingdom. In their seven years of stewardship, the conference attendance more than tripled in size and they witnessed God’s provisions in abundant ways.

As the Lord would have it, He was making preparations behind the scenes for the third board to come together. In the winter of 2015, the Lord brought together a new group of women to carry forward the torch, with a desire to continue to expand the reach of the Gospel on Long Island and to equip women in leadership within their churches and cultivate mentoring relationship between the generations.

From the beginning, the Kingdom Hearts ministry has belonged to the Lord, and will continue to be stewarded for His glory the future. With each event, we are blessed to experience the Lord’s presence manifested in a powerful way. Every element of the conference day attests to God’s strength, power, provision, and presence.